How a Website Review Could Save You Thousands of Dollars

In the digital era, your website is your business’s first impression. Ever wondered how it appears to a customer?

How do you know if you need a review?

That depends.

If you are looking to accomplish:

  1. Keeping people on your site longer
  2. Getting more lead from your site
  3. Getting more sales from your site

Then, you should take the time to review your website.

If you don’t need more sales, more leads, more online visibility, for your business, you should stop reading this and go meditate instead.

I don’t know where to start


That is the problem for most.

A website review isn’t just about tweaking a few images or fonts; it’s a comprehensive process that ensures your online presence resonates with your audience and does these three things:

  1. Keeps people on your site longer
  2. Gets you more leads
  3. Gets you more sales

Here’s what you need to know to take your website from meh to marvelous. These are also the things we’ll review for you if you enlist our services for a website review.

Messaging: What Are You Really Saying?

• Clarity of Purpose: Every page should have a clear objective. What action do you want your visitor to take?

• Brand Alignment: Your messaging should be clean and clear. Inconsistency can also confuse your audience.

Content: The Heart of Your Website

• Engagement: Your content is your voice online. It needs to speak directly to your audience, addressing their needs, problems, and interests. Outdated or irrelevant content? Big red flag to your visitors.

• Quality: Ensure your tone, style, and message are consistent across all pages. Quality matters – typos and grammatical errors are no-noes!

Call to Action (CTA): Nudge Them in the Right Direction

• Urgency: Your CTAs should stand out and create a sense of urgency. “Contact Us Today” beats “Click Here” any day.

• Strategic Placement: Place CTAs strategically to guide your visitors through the desired journey without overwhelming them.

Navigation: The Roadmap to Success

• User-Friendly Layout: A confusing layout is like a maze with no exit. Your navigation should be intuitive and straightforward.

Mobile and Desktop Versions

• Responsive Design: Your site should look great and function well on any device. With the increasing use of smartphones, this is crucial.

• Consistency Across Devices: Ensure the user experience is seamless, whether on a desktop, tablet, or mobile.

Professional Review: The Game-Changer

• Expert Insights: Professionals like us, can bring a fresh perspective and can spot issues that you might have overlooked.

• Tailored Advice: Every website is unique. A professional review provides customized recommendations that align with your specific goals and challenges.

• Video Review Option: At Voila Media Group, we offer a video review, detailing our findings in an engaging and understandable format. Whether you choose to DIY the changes or let us handle them, you’re equipped with the knowledge to elevate your site.

The Clarity Your Website Is Looking For:
Reveal Hidden Opportunities

Three easy-peasy steps:

  1. Invest Today – Relieve your website headache and take back your time – by knowing just what changes to make on your website that’ll lead to sales.
  2. Watch Video Review – We’ll give you a video showing you the changes you should make, along with ‘why’ you should make them.
  3. Redefine your Online Image – The next steps are up to you. You can make the changes yourself, we can give you a quote, or you can have another company do it for you. The choice is yours.

Grateful Client

website review testimonial

The Choice is Yours

Your website is more than just a collection of pages – it’s the digital embodiment of your brand.

A thorough website review can reveal hidden opportunities, enhance user experience, and align your site with your business objectives. Whether you take the DIY route or seek professional help, remember: a great website is always evolving.

Ready to revamp your digital presence? Take the first step towards a website that performs exceptionally.

5 Tips to Ramp Up Your Holiday Sales

Yes, October has just started, and everyone’s still preparing for the spooky festivities of Halloween. But here’s a friendly reminder: the holiday season is just around the corner! It’s a time when businesses can experience a significant boost in sales, provided they prepare adequately. The key to a successful holiday sales season often lies in early planning and strategic execution.

We’re going to help you get ahead of the curve with five indispensable tips to ramp up your holiday sales. Whether you’re an e-commerce store, a service-based business, or any organization looking to make the most of the holiday fervor, these strategies can work wonders for you. 

So, as the leaves turn, and the days grow shorter, let’s dive into how you can set the stage for a profitable and joyous holiday season!

Tip #1: Get Your Audience in the Mood for Shopping

Just like what many Gen Z’s nowadays say, the vibe is key. Creating the right atmosphere and setting the mood for holiday shopping is crucial. Shoppers are not just looking for products–they’re seeking an experience, a feeling that resonates with the spirit of the season. 

Here’s how you can master this art ahead of your competitors:

Dropping Your Teasers In Advance

Whether you have a new collection coming up or a holiday-themed newsletter that’s currently under wraps, teasing these offerings in advance is an excellent way to build anticipation. For instance, if you plan on releasing your new collection starting the month of December, you can create a countdown on your website or social media platforms, showcasing the number of days, hours, and minutes until the big reveal. This visual countdown not only adds an element of excitement but also keeps your audience engaged, as they anxiously wait for what’s behind the curtain.

Additionally, you can sprinkle hints and clues across your digital channels. These little breadcrumbs of information tantalize your audience, encouraging them to speculate and discuss what’s in store. It’s like a digital treasure hunt where every clue you drop deepens their involvement and excitement! 

You can also invite your audience to participate in guessing games or share their predictions about your upcoming offerings. Offer small rewards or exclusive perks for those who engage actively. This not only fuels excitement but also creates a sense of community and participation around your brand.

Crafting Compelling Holiday Landing Pages

Speaking of visuals, crafting compelling holiday landing pages is your opportunity to immerse visitors in the enchanting world you’ve created. Your landing pages should be a feast for the eyes, resonating with the holiday spirit. Vibrant colors, festive imagery, and holiday-themed graphics should greet visitors as they arrive. 

But it’s not just about aesthetics; it’s about functionality too. Ensure your landing pages are easy to navigate, load quickly, and feature persuasive copy that guides visitors toward taking action. These pages serve as the gateway to your holiday offerings, making every click feel like unwrapping a delightful gift.

Promoting Exclusive Pre-Holiday Offers

Remember the teasers earlier? Well, they’re the perfect setup for promoting your exclusive pre-holiday offers. As the excitement builds, it’s time to unleash your limited-time deals and special promotions. Use the anticipation you’ve generated to your advantage. Send out targeted email campaigns, create eye-catching social media posts, and update your holiday landing pages with these enticing offers. Make your audience feel like they’re getting an exclusive invite to a holiday shopping extravaganza, igniting their desire to shop with you and make the most of these limited opportunities. You can even offer discounts to those who pre-order your items, giving them a sense of VIP treatment and a head start on their holiday shopping.

Tip #2: Optimize Your Website for Mobile Shoppers

It can be such a bummer if your target audience liked your promotions but then had a frustrating experience when trying to shop on their mobile devices. With the increasing reliance on smartphones for online shopping, ensuring that your website is mobile-friendly is absolutely crucial. Imagine losing potential customers due to slow loading times, unresponsive design, or a cluttered layout. To prevent this, focus on optimizing your website for mobile shoppers. Ensure that every aspect, from product listings to the checkout process, is smooth, intuitive, and visually appealing on smaller screens. Mobile optimization isn’t just a convenience—it’s a necessity for retaining and converting visitors into loyal holiday shoppers.

Tip #3: Partner Up with the Right People

Whether it’s an influencer popular in your niche or another small business selling items that complement yours, strategic partnerships can be a game-changer during the holiday season. Collaborations bring fresh perspectives, expanded reach, and the opportunity to tap into each other’s loyal customer base. Consider teaming up with influencers who align with your brand values and have a following that matches your target audience. Their endorsements can boost your credibility and introduce your products to a wider audience.

Moreover, partnering with complementary businesses allows you to offer bundled deals or cross-promotions. For instance, if you sell gourmet chocolates, collaborating with a local winery can result in a delightful holiday gift set. Such partnerships create added value for customers and make your offerings even more enticing.

Tip #4: Boost Your Content Wisely

Sure, boosting or utilizing paid ads is a foolproof way to expand your digital reach during the holiday season, but it comes with a price tag so better do it wisely. Consider these strategies to make the most of your advertising budget:

Targeted Ad Campaigns

Don’t just cast a wide net–pinpoint your ads to reach the most relevant audience segments. Use demographics, interests, and behaviors to refine your targeting.

A/B Testing

Experiment with different ad creatives, headlines, and CTAs to discover what resonates best with your audience. Continuously optimize your ads for better performance.


Re-engage with visitors who have previously interacted with your website. Remarketing ads can remind them of products they viewed, encouraging them to return and make a purchase.

Seasonal Keywords

Incorporate holiday-related keywords into your ad copy to align with what customers are searching for during this time.

By using these strategies, you can maximize the ROI of your digital advertising efforts and capture the attention of holiday shoppers who are actively looking for products like yours.

Tip #5: Make Sure Your Website Can Provide That Seamless Shopping Experience!

Of course, since we’re talking about the online world, your website is your shoppers’ only gateway to your products and services. It’s essential that your website not only looks good but also functions seamlessly, especially during the high-traffic holiday season. 

Make sure that it can handle the increased load efficiently. Fast loading times, intuitive navigation, and a secure checkout process are critical components of a smooth user experience. A well-optimized website not only boosts sales during the holidays but also sets the stage for long-term customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Let Us Make Sure Your Website Is Holiday-Ready!

These tips may not seem so complicated, but it can get overwhelming when you’re juggling holiday preparations. 

That’s where our team at Voila Media Group comes in. We specialize in website optimization and digital solutions, so you can focus on delivering a memorable holiday shopping experience to your customers. With our expertise, your website will not only be holiday-ready but also poised to thrive long after the festive season. Contact us today and let’s make this holiday season your best one yet!

For more digital marketing tips and tricks, follow us on TikTok!

Why You Need to Stop Marketing Your Product and Do This Instead

Are you struggling to grow your email list and generate more leads for your business? Are you tired of spending money on advertising and not seeing the results you want?

It’s time to stop marketing your product and start doing something that will really make a difference: creating a lead generator.

What is a Lead Generator?

A lead generator is a piece of content that you offer to potential customers in exchange for their contact information.

It’s the most cost-effective customer acquisition technique, allowing you to build a list of people who are interested in what you have to offer.

In fact, about 50% of marketing strategists consider it a ‘top priority’ in their campaigns (Howarth). That’s because a lead generator helps businesses create a targeted, segmented, and engaged audience, leading to higher conversion rates and increased revenue.

By providing valuable content to potential customers, businesses can establish trust, build relationships, and ultimately convert leads into loyal customers who are more likely to make repeat purchases.

Different Types of Lead Generators

@voilamediagroup Doing this one thing is the key to successful marketing for your small business #marketingtips #smallbusinessgrowth #leadgeneration #valueproposition ♬ original sound – VoilaMediaGroup

There are several different types of lead generators you can create, depending on your target audience and the type of product or service you offer. Here are four of the most popular:


Create a PDF guide or eBook that provides valuable information related to your product or service. You can offer it as a free download to people who sign up for your email list. This is great for businesses in finance, health, or technology industries, where customers are looking for in-depth information and insights.

Here are a few samples: 

Stellis Health Pain Log

Stellis Health – Interview Prep Quesitons

Stellis Health – Maybe to Baby Guide

Voila! Media Group – How to Make your Website your Best Employee


Create a fun and engaging quiz that people can take to learn more about your product or service. You can also offer a personalized report or recommendation at the end and ask people to sign up for your email list to receive it.


Stellis Health – Is Coolsculpting right for me?


Offer a discount code or coupon to people who sign up for your email list. This is a great way to entice people who are already interested in your product or service. Plus, this can help boost their average order value by encouraging them to make a purchase they might not have otherwise. This type of lead generator is particularly effective for businesses in the e-commerce space.


Swamp Buck Camo – Discount on first purchase


Create a short video that showcases your product or service and offers valuable insights or tips related to your industry. You can offer it as a free resource to people who sign up for your email list. This type of lead generator can be effective for businesses in industries such as marketing, software, or entertainment, where visual content is important for engaging customers.


Stellis Health Pain Log

How to Come Up with Ideas for Lead Generators

Now that you know the different types of lead generators you can create, how do you develop content ideas?

Here are some starting points you may want to consider.

Top Questions 

Think about the top questions your customers ask you or your sales team. These questions can serve as a basis for creating a lead generator that provides solutions or answers to their concerns.

Google Search 

Use Google search to see what people are asking related to your industry. You can look for common questions and use them as inspiration for creating a lead generator that provides in-depth answers. You can also install extensions such as Keyword Surfer to get insights on search volume and related keywords for specific queries. This can help you understand what topics are popular and what type of content people are looking for.

Social Media Listening

Take a look at social media platforms where your target audience is most active. Look for posts, comments, or questions related to your industry or product. This can help you understand what topics are popular or what people are interested in learning more about.

Designing Your Lead Generators

Ready to craft your very own lead generator? Make sure they’re aesthetically pleasing enough to get your target audiences’ attention!

If you are not ready to hire us for this task. Here are two programs that can help:


Canva is a graphic design platform that offers templates and design tools to help you create eye-catching graphics and images for your lead generators. You can choose from a wide variety of pre-made templates or create your own design from scratch. Canva also offers a library of free and premium images, icons, and graphics that you can use to enhance your lead generator. With its easy-to-use interface and drag-and-drop feature, you can create professional-looking lead generators even if you have little to no design experience.


Typeform is a form builder that allows you to create interactive quizzes and surveys that are engaging and fun for your audience.

With Typeform, you can easily create custom forms that ask your audience questions and provide them with personalized results based on their responses. This is a great way to create interactive lead generators that capture your audience’s attention and provide them with valuable insights. Typeform also offers integrations with popular email marketing and CRM platforms, making it easy to automatically add new leads to your email list or customer database.

Email Programs to Use

Constant Contact

Constant Contact is a popular email marketing tool that offers similar features to Mailchimp. It offers a wide range of customizable templates, automation, and analytics to help you optimize your email campaigns. It also integrates with popular e-commerce platforms such as Shopify and WooCommerce, making it easy to promote your products and services to your email list.


MailerLite is perfect if you are just getting started. It’s free until you get 1,000 emails on your list.


Mailchimp is a widely used email marketing platform that allows you to send newsletters, promotional emails, and automated campaigns to your email list. It offers a user-friendly interface and a variety of templates to choose from, making it easy to create professional-looking emails without any coding experience. It also offers analytics to help you track the success of your campaigns and segment your email list for more targeted messaging.


HubSpot offers a suite of marketing tools, including email marketing, lead capture forms, and customer relationship management (CRM) software. Its email marketing tool allows you to create and send personalized emails, automate campaigns, and track your email performance. HubSpot also offers a free CRM with basic features, making it a great option for small businesses on a budget.

Are You Ready To Start Creating Lead Generators for Your Business?

We hope this blog has helped you get started on your very own lead generator. If you have any questions or concerns, contact us today. We can help you create effective lead generators that will help you grow your email list and generate more leads for your business. Ask us here.

7 Valentine’s Day Marketing Ideas to Win Your Customers’ Hearts in 2023

With over $23 billion worth of spending in the previous year, there’s no wonder why the Valentine’s Day season is a favorite among businesses worldwide. Love may be in the air, but so are profit margins.

However, the high figures also mean that the market is highly competitive. Thus, to stand out from the rest, you’ll need more than just a few heart-shaped balloons. To give your business a head start, we’ve listed down some of the most surefire Valentine’s Day Marketing Ideas that will help you win your customers’ hearts this season.

Celebrate Love In Its Many Forms

One thing to admire about today’s generations is their ability to be open-minded and embrace inclusion and diversity. Gone are the days when certain genders and archetypes are boxed into a single idea of love. And if you want to show that your brand supports this shift in ideals, why not dedicate an entire campaign for the celebration of love and its many forms?

Aside from celebrating gender inclusive types of love, you can also promote love for pets, family, friends, and of course, oneself. While cheesy, romantic campaigns are a staple of the season, choosing a different approach that resonates best with your target market can make a lasting impression.

Have a Clear, Consistent Message

Once you have determined the theme of your campaign, make sure to have a clear and consistent message that underlines each part. Whether it’s through color palettes, your marketing copies, or even the design of your visuals, it’s important that you have one uniform idea to ensure customers understand what you stand for.

For instance, if your Valentine’s campaign is all about self-love and embracing the #singlelife, you can use bold colors and empowering messages in your visuals to show customers that you’re behind them. Giving them a sense of validation during this season can be a great way to gain long-term loyalty.

Send Electronic Greetings to Show You Care

You may think that your newsletter subscribers will probably overlook your Valentine’s Day greetings. But believe it or not, email is still one of the most powerful channels to reach customers this season.

Take the time to create emails that speak directly to your target market. Show customers that they’re special and appreciated by highlighting exclusive products, discounts, and offers in a manner that feels personal and heartfelt. Not only will this make them feel remembered but will also encourage them to browse your products and services.

Offer Limited-Edition Deals

From flash sales, Valentine’s Day bundles, to collections specifically crafted for the season, giving customers something special is a great way to show appreciation. You can also offer these products along with free gift wrapping and shipping. This takes away the burden of having to personally shop for their gifts and gives them the convenience of shopping at home.

The key to promoting these limited-edition deals is to make them time-sensitive and exclusive. This will create an urgency that customers need to act on right away and ultimately, encourages them to hit the check out button with no hesitation.

Drive User Generated Content

The gist of the season is to spread love, so why not give customers a platform to do just that? This can help you drive user-generated content (UGC) that can get your brand noticed by more people while allowing your followers to express their feelings!

Working With Influencers

One way to reach a larger audience and generate UGC is by working with micro or macro influencers in your niche. For one thing, they have a larger following and this can help you gain more visibility for your campaigns.

Additionally, working with influencers can be a great way to gain credibility and authenticity. Having a respected figure in your niche vouch for your brand can create a feeling of relatability and trust that customers aren’t likely to forget.

Holding a Valentine’s Giveaway Contest

Who can resist a good giveaway? Not only is this a great way to attract customers but will also give them a chance to win prizes from your store.

To make the contest more interesting, you can add some creative elements like asking your followers to submit their meet-cute stories or a photo of them with someone they love. This would make them feel more connected to your brand while also giving you more content to show off.

Creating a Branded Hashtag

While you’re at it, you can also come up with a hashtag specific to your campaign to encourage more sharing and interaction. This is a great way to foster a sense of community among your target audience while also making it easier to track your campaign.

Create a Separate Landing Page for Your Valentine’s Promos

One of the many mistakes businesses make is forgoing the use of landing pages for their seasonal promos. A separate page on your website is a great way to keep customers in the know and ensure that all the details about your campaigns are visible in one place. Plus, you can easily share the link in your social media channels and email campaigns.

By creating a specific page for your Valentine’s Day promos, customers can conveniently browse through your products and make a purchase without any distractions. This would also help you monitor your sales and impressions specific to the campaign to later evaluate which strategies worked and which ones didn’t.

Be Sincere

Your customers are exposed to 10,000 marketing messages per day and this number can even double on a special occasion. This is why it’s important to make sure your message conveys sincerity and not just another sales pitch.

While it may be tricky to achieve the right balance, making sure your customers feel cherished is a must. You can do this by thoroughly analyzing their past interactions with your brand and adding personal touches to your marketing copies. If you’re working with a team, make sure to get their inputs first as well before releasing any kind of message.

Valentine’s, after all, is about love and the last thing you want to do is come across as insincere or too commercial. Keep this in mind when preparing your promos and be mindful of the message you’re trying to communicate.

Ready to Make This Valentine’s Day Your Most Profitable Yet?

We hope this quick guide has helped you come up with some creative ideas for your Valentine’s Day campaigns. With the right strategies and a pinch of creativity (plus some TLC!), we’re certain you’ll be able to maximize your reach and boost your sales this season of love!

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