SPAM in Social Media

I’ve noticed an uptick in spam messages lately, and it’s a challenging problem. Bad actors are constantly evolving their tactics to avoid detection and circumvent the system.

While Facebook is working on this issue, there are steps you can take to filter out some of these messages using the automation tools in Meta Business Suite.

Here’s a step-by-step guide:
Please read each step carefully.

  1. Go to Meta Business Suite on desktop, and then to your inbox.
  2. Up the top, you’ll see something that looks like an atom symbol – click on that, and that will take you to “automations.”
  3. Click “create automation” on the top right, and then select “start from scratch.”
  4. Give it a name, eg “spam filter”
  5. Select Messenger as the channel
  6. Under “when this happens”, select “new message received”
  7. Click “add additional conditions” – and then select “keywords” and “any of the following keywords” You will need to add a new condition for each keyword, vs putting them all in one box.
  1. Add keywords that make sense for your business. I’m highlighting this because every business will be a bit different.

Example: if your business is running Meta ads for other businesses, filtering out “Facebook” or “Meta” may cause you to miss all or most of your genuine messages from prospective clients.

Or if you’re a trademark lawyer, filtering out “copyright” may cause the automation to flag far too many genuine messages.

You will need to think about what is going to filter just spam messages, for YOUR business.

Few I use: 

  1. Deactivate or Deactivated
  2. Urgent or Immediate action required
  3. Verify your account
  4. Account suspension
  5. Security alert
  6. Login details
  7. Confirm your identity
  8. Password reset required
  9. Account violation
  10. Final warning
  1. Under “take this action” – select mark as, and then select “move to spam.”
  1. Hit “save changes.”

Next, you’ll want to do three things:

  1. Check your spam folder periodically, in case some messages have been accidentally filtered (if this is happening a lot, you may need to change your keywords).
  1. Hackers will constantly change their wording to get around our systems – so you may need to update your keywords if you notice more of them getting through.
  1. Make sure to keep educating the people in your network about spam, so they don’t fall for it (and there is less motivation for bad actors to send these).

Let me know how this works for you! 
Voila! Media Group

Cut Costs, Not Reach: Avoiding Apple’s New Fee on Social Ads

If you’re using your iPhone to boost posts on Facebook or Instagram, you might be in for a costly surprise. This change took place in Feb, 2024.

Apple has implemented a 30% service charge on transactions made through iOS apps for boosted posts on these platforms.

This significant hike means every dollar spent on boosting your content will now see a portion funneled directly to Apple.

Meta, the parent company of both Facebook and Instagram, has confirmed that this additional cost will be passed down to advertisers. 

Essentially, boosting posts directly from the Facebook or Instagram iOS apps will now be more expensive. However, there’s a silver lining for savvy marketers who wish to avoid this fee.

The simplest workaround?

Use a browser. 

By accessing Facebook or Instagram through a web browser on your desktop or mobile device, you can sidestep Apple’s 30% cut. 

This approach not only saves costs but also retains the full range of advertising features without compromise.

Moreover, Meta has made it even easier to manage advertising without the extra fees through the Meta Business Suite. This platform allows advertisers to initiate and manage their campaigns seamlessly.

Here’s how you can use the Meta Business Suite to your advantage:

  1. Open the Meta Business Suite app.
  2. Tap the + button and select “Ad.”
  3. Set your advertising goal, define your audience, budget, and the duration of the campaign.

For those not yet ready to transition to Meta Business Suite, the traditional method of creating ads via on a browser remains a viable and cost-effective option. 

By planning your social media campaigns through these alternative routes, you can ensure that more of your budget goes into reaching your audience, rather than covering additional fees.

As digital marketers and small businesses, it’s crucial to stay ahead of these changes and adapt our strategies to ensure the most efficient use of our advertising budgets. 

Navigating these new charges wisely can mean the difference between an optimized campaign and an unnecessarily expensive one.

The Social Media Content Code: Cracked!

Ever stared at the blank screen of doom, wondering what to post next on your social media channels?

It’s a common plight, one that binds us across industries and niches.

But what if I told you there’s a method to the madness. A way to turn that blank screen into a canvas of opportunity?

The Big Reveal

1. Pick a Side on Silly Stuff

Ever argued if pineapple on pizza is a yes or a big no?

Or maybe if superheroes wear capes just for style or if they actually help them fly?

That’s what we’re talking about!

Think about what makes your audience tick—what are they passionate about? What would get them talking and sharing?

It shouldn’t make anyone upset or angry.

Just light-hearted debates, like if dogs are better than cats (spoiler: they both rock!).

2. Idea Generator by AI

Picture this: you’ve got a secret weapon in your toolkit, a virtual idea generator that sparks endless content possibilities.

All you need to do is dial into your audience’s vibe.

Are they young professionals, fitness enthusiasts, or maybe foodies?

Now, just toss a question into the mix, like “What’s a lighthearted debate topic that fitness enthusiasts would love?” or “Give me 5 different light hearted topic ideas, showing both sides of the debate when it comes to [your industry].”

In a flash, it’s serving up gems like:

Morning Workouts vs. Evening Workouts

  • Morning Glory: Kick Starts your metabolism, boosts your mood for the day, and you’re less likely to skip it.
  • Night Owls: More physically prepared, higher strength levels, and it’s a great way to de-stress after a long day.

Free Weights vs. Machine Exercises

  • Free Weights Freedom: Improves balance and coordination, engages more muscles, and mimics real-life movements.
  • Machinery Mastery: Safer and easier for beginners, allows targeting specific muscle groups, and reduces risk of injury.

Or, if you are dealing with pet lovers.

Results might be something like this…

Cats vs. Dogs as the Ultimate Pet

  • Team Cat: Independent, low maintenance, and perfect for small living spaces.
  • Team Dog: Loyal, active companions that can enhance your social life and fitness.

Pet Fashion: Adorable or Over the Top?

  • Fashion Forward Pets: Cute, can be practical for weather, and offers a fun way to bond.
  • Simplicity Supporters: Pets are naturally beautiful, clothes can be uncomfortable, and simplicity rules.

Grab the topics that resonate with you, and you’re halfway there.

3. Be Bold in Your Posts

Instead of a neutral “Dogs and cats both make great pets,” go for something punchy like “Dogs bring you your slippers; cats just hijack them for naps.”

It’s all about grabbing attention.

4. Team Up for More Fun

Two heads are better than one, right?

Team up with friends or even cool people you admire online.

If you’re writing about dogs, exercise, or superhero capes, ask or tag a friend or coworker who you know loves this topic, and ask them to share their thoughts. It makes everything more interesting and gives you different angles on the topic.

5. Share It and Chat It Up

Once your masterpiece is ready, share it where everyone can see it – like on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, or even YouTube if you’re into making videos.

And here’s the secret: talk to everyone who comments.

It creates a much deeper connection with your audience – making them way more likely to become customers…

If someone says, “No way, cats are super neat!” jump in and chat – because it’s the whole point of posting. It keeps the fun going and makes everyone feel like part of the tribe.

Try to avoid selling at this point – just have a conversation.

There you have it! Your guide to making waves on social media with some help from AI. To recap, here are the 5 steps in a quick-start guide.

Quick-Start Guide: 5 Steps to Social Media Success

1. Identify Relatable Debate Topics

  • Think of everyday topics or preferences that people have strong opinions about (e.g., pineapple on pizza, cats vs. dogs).
  • Ensure these topics are light-hearted and won’t offend anyone.

2. Leverage AI for Creative Inspiration

  • Use AI tools like ChatGPT to generate unique and engaging content ideas tailored to your audience’s interests.
  • Pose specific questions to the AI to get more targeted suggestions (e.g., “What’s a funny debate topic for pet lovers?”).

3. Adopt a Bold and Clear Stance in Your Content

  • Express your opinions clearly and confidently to stir up interest and encourage responses.
  • If you’re addressing potentially divisive topics, include opposing viewpoints to foster a balanced discussion.

4. Collaborate for Diverse Perspectives

  • Team up with friends, colleagues, or influencers who can offer fresh insights or differing opinions on the topic.
  • Tagging or mentioning collaborators in your posts can also help extend your reach.

5. Engage Actively with Your Audience

  • Once your post is live, make sure to interact with comments and keep the conversation going.
  • Avoid selling; focus on building relationships and engaging in genuine discussions.

Remember, it’s all about having a good time, sharing laughs, and maybe learning a thing or two along the way.

Grab your phone or laptop, pick your first debate topic, and let the fun begin.

Share your experience and the reactions you get, or tag us and we’ll comment @voilamediagroup. Let’s turn social media into a playground of ideas together.

Rethinking Self-Promotion

Ever felt a bit uneasy about stepping into the limelight?

Did you grow up hearing that it wasn’t polite to be the “show-off” in the room?

If that rings a bell, you might be carrying around some beliefs that are quietly nibbling away at your marketing efforts and business growth.

Sounds a bit paradoxical, right?

Here’s the scoop:

Shouting from the Rooftops Isn’t Just Okay; It’s Necessary

Marketing, at its core, is about shining a spotlight on yourself. It’s about broadcasting to the world that you’re here, equipped and eager to tackle their challenges, and transform their dreams into reality.

Stay with me here…

For folks to even think about hiring you, they need to see you. To understand your wisdom, your skills, how you can assist, the solutions you offer, your background, and why you’re the reliable choice.

So, yes, you absolutely need to dial up the volume on yourself – likely more than what’s comfy at first.

It’s about nudging past that old belief, until making some noise feels like second nature.

But here’s the twist…

It’s Actually NOT All About You

When you get that your marketing is really for them – your clients, your followers, that community out there that desperately needs what you’ve got…

That’s when those old beliefs about “self-promotion” start to crumble.

Imagine if one day you’re whispering in a crowded room and nobody notices, but then you decide to use your voice in a special way that makes everyone listen and want to be your friend.

That’s what happens to your business when you start sharing stories and ideas that make people feel like you really get them.

Suddenly, more people know who you are, want to talk to you, and even buy what you’re selling.

It’s like turning on a magic light above your head that draws everyone in. Your business grows bigger and you make more money, all because you shifted to the best way to share your stories.

You shift gears to crafting messages that spotlight your audience’s needs (the benefits) before diving into your own accolades, about page, or offerings (the features).

And guess what?

Your marketing starts to hit different, in all the right ways.

It becomes less about how you’re perceived and more about what your crowd needs from you.

You’re talking about their world, their hurdles – and how you’re the one to help them leap over.

Striking the Right Balance

And sometimes, what they really need is to hear more about you, but with a twist.

Think about how you can show what you do, in a way that helps THEM, aligns with THEM, and makes THEM say things like, “that’s me,” “Yes!,” “that’s where I live.”

Here are a few Examples

EXAMPLE #1: Lori’s Day Spa

This post features an employee, focusing on how she benefits clients and connects with their needs, while the caption provides further insight into her role as a massage therapist and the question invites comments.

EXAMPLE #2: Minneapolis Neurology

This post connects with the community, adding a twist by showcasing the provider’s personal involvement within it. Check it out here, along with some other creative posts.

Remember, the art of marketing is much about changing your perspective to be from the client’s point of view.

Leave a comment to let us know what you think, or share your own experiences or concerns about self promotion.

Catch your ideal client’s eye, with these hooks

Picture this:

You’re on a boat in the vast, digital ocean of social media.

Your post is like a juicy worm, wiggling on the hook.

Your audience?

They’re the fish you’re trying to catch. But hey, it’s a crowded sea out there, with everyone tossing their lines in.

How do you make sure your hook is the one they bite? That’s what we’re diving into today.

Crafting the Perfect Hook: 5 Easy Tips

  1. Know Your Audience: It’s like a comedian knowing their crowd. Get what makes them tick, and your hook will sing. Tailor it just right, and boom – instant connection.
  2. Start with a Bang: Drop a surprising fact, a thought-provoking question, or a bold statement. It’s like a firework going off in their brains, making them think, “I gotta read more!”
  3. Keep it Short and Sweet: You’ve got mere seconds to dazzle. Every word’s a gem. Fun fact: Tweets shorter than 100 characters get a 21% higher interaction rate (Source: Buffer).
  4. Inject Personality: Be unique. If your brand was a person – would you it be and how would they sound? Stick to that voice.
  5. Tease a Story: We’re hardwired for stories. Start one in your hook, and they’re hooked, eager for more.

Use These 50 Show-Stopping Hooks to Catch your Next Client

A treasure chest of engagement gold

  1. “Unlock the Secret to [Your Goal] Today!”
  2. “This Changed Everything We Knew About [Industry/Topic]”
  3. “Why We Love [Product/Service], and You Should Too!”
  4. “Breaking: Major Developments in [Industry/Topic]”
  5. “Exclusive Insights on [Trending Topic]”
  6. “How to Overcome [Common Problem] Easily”
  7. “The Ultimate Cheat Sheet on [Subject]”
  8. “Are You Making These [Common Mistake] Mistakes?”
  9. “The Future of [Industry/Topic] Revealed!”
  10. “Transform Your [Aspect of Life/Work] in 10 Days”
  11. “Behind the Scenes: A Look at [Interesting Topic/Process]”
  12. “Quick Tips to Boost Your [Skill/Task]”
  13. “The Beginner’s Guide to Mastering [Skill/Task]”
  14. “[Expert’s Name]’s Top Advice on [Subject]”
  15. “Warning: Don’t Miss This [Opportunity/Event]”
  16. “The Secret Weapon for [Achieving Specific Goal]”
  17. “What Everyone is Saying About [Trending Topic]”
  18. “How to Get More [Desired Result] With Less Effort”
  19. “Unbelievable [Product/Service] Hacks You Must Try”
  20. “The True Cost of [Common Issue] Revealed”
  21. “Discover the Magic of [Product/Service]”
  22. “Why [Subject] is More Important Than Ever”
  23. “Top 10 Myths About [Subject/Industry] Busted”
  24. “How [Well-Known Person/Company] Achieves [Result]”
  25. “Avoid These Fatal Mistakes in [Area of Expertise]”
  26. “Proven Strategies to Enhance Your [Skill/Task]”
  27. “The Little-Known Tips for [Achieving Specific Goal]”
  28. “Why This is the Best Time to [Take Action]”
  29. “Revolutionary [Product/Service] Changes the Game”
  30. “Our Biggest [Subject/Industry] Predictions for [Year]”
  31. “An Insider’s Guide to [Topic of Interest]”
  32. “The Power of [Concept/Idea] in [Industry/Field]”
  33. “How to Tackle the Challenges of [Specific Task/Goal]”
  34. “What No One Tells You About [Subject/Topic]”
  35. “The Step-by-Step Guide to [Process/Task]”
  36. “Achieve [Goal] Like a Pro!”
  37. “Real Stories: How [Product/Service] Changed Lives”
  38. “Top Trends in [Industry/Topic] for [Year]”
  39. “Is [Common Belief] About [Topic] Really True?”
  40. “Effortless Ways to Improve Your [Skill/Aspect of Life]”
  41. “The Shocking Truth Behind [Topic/Issue]”
  42. “How to Leverage [Tool/Strategy] for Maximum Impact”
  43. “The Dos and Don’ts of [Subject/Task]”
  44. “Next-Level Strategies for [Goal/Task]”
  45. “Why [Topic] is the Key to Your Success”
  46. “The Ultimate Solution to Your [Problem]”
  47. “Never Underestimate the Power of [Concept/Product]”
  48. “What to Expect in the Future of [Industry/Topic]”
  49. “Your Go-To Resource for [Skill/Task]”
  50. “How to Make [Task/Challenge] Work for You”

Email Subject Line Magic

The perfect length for an email subject line? Aim for 30-50 characters. Mobile users, which make up 46% of all email opens (Source: Litmus), will thank you. And hey, don’t forget to A/B test for that sweet spot your audience loves.

Wrap Up: It’s Not Just What You Say

Remember, it’s all about how you say it. Entertain & provide value.

Target Audience in Social Media Graphic

Need help crafting those magnetic messages?
Voila! We’ve got your back.

How a Website Review Could Save You Thousands of Dollars

In the digital era, your website is your business’s first impression. Ever wondered how it appears to a customer?

How do you know if you need a review?

That depends.

If you are looking to accomplish:

  1. Keeping people on your site longer
  2. Getting more lead from your site
  3. Getting more sales from your site

Then, you should take the time to review your website.

If you don’t need more sales, more leads, more online visibility, for your business, you should stop reading this and go meditate instead.

I don’t know where to start


That is the problem for most.

A website review isn’t just about tweaking a few images or fonts; it’s a comprehensive process that ensures your online presence resonates with your audience and does these three things:

  1. Keeps people on your site longer
  2. Gets you more leads
  3. Gets you more sales

Here’s what you need to know to take your website from meh to marvelous. These are also the things we’ll review for you if you enlist our services for a website review.

Messaging: What Are You Really Saying?

• Clarity of Purpose: Every page should have a clear objective. What action do you want your visitor to take?

• Brand Alignment: Your messaging should be clean and clear. Inconsistency can also confuse your audience.

Content: The Heart of Your Website

• Engagement: Your content is your voice online. It needs to speak directly to your audience, addressing their needs, problems, and interests. Outdated or irrelevant content? Big red flag to your visitors.

• Quality: Ensure your tone, style, and message are consistent across all pages. Quality matters – typos and grammatical errors are no-noes!

Call to Action (CTA): Nudge Them in the Right Direction

• Urgency: Your CTAs should stand out and create a sense of urgency. “Contact Us Today” beats “Click Here” any day.

• Strategic Placement: Place CTAs strategically to guide your visitors through the desired journey without overwhelming them.

Navigation: The Roadmap to Success

• User-Friendly Layout: A confusing layout is like a maze with no exit. Your navigation should be intuitive and straightforward.

Mobile and Desktop Versions

• Responsive Design: Your site should look great and function well on any device. With the increasing use of smartphones, this is crucial.

• Consistency Across Devices: Ensure the user experience is seamless, whether on a desktop, tablet, or mobile.

Professional Review: The Game-Changer

• Expert Insights: Professionals like us, can bring a fresh perspective and can spot issues that you might have overlooked.

• Tailored Advice: Every website is unique. A professional review provides customized recommendations that align with your specific goals and challenges.

• Video Review Option: At Voila Media Group, we offer a video review, detailing our findings in an engaging and understandable format. Whether you choose to DIY the changes or let us handle them, you’re equipped with the knowledge to elevate your site.

The Clarity Your Website Is Looking For:
Reveal Hidden Opportunities

Three easy-peasy steps:

  1. Invest Today – Relieve your website headache and take back your time – by knowing just what changes to make on your website that’ll lead to sales.
  2. Watch Video Review – We’ll give you a video showing you the changes you should make, along with ‘why’ you should make them.
  3. Redefine your Online Image – The next steps are up to you. You can make the changes yourself, we can give you a quote, or you can have another company do it for you. The choice is yours.

Grateful Client

website review testimonial

The Choice is Yours

Your website is more than just a collection of pages – it’s the digital embodiment of your brand.

A thorough website review can reveal hidden opportunities, enhance user experience, and align your site with your business objectives. Whether you take the DIY route or seek professional help, remember: a great website is always evolving.

Ready to revamp your digital presence? Take the first step towards a website that performs exceptionally.

Why Your Lead Generation Strategy Isn’t Working & How to Fix it

If you feel like you still haven’t found the right formula for your lead generation strategy, you’re not alone.

In fact, approximately 61% of marketers worldwide acknowledge that their primary struggle lies in generating leads and traffic (HubSpot). But that doesn’t mean you should stop.

Now, instead of endlessly searching for the right strategies, why don’t we face the not-so-perfect aspects head-on? Let’s delve into the common pitfalls and explore how to revitalize your approach.

Here are five key insights that might just be the missing pieces to transform your lead generation game.

#1 Your Shots Are Off-Target: Missing the Mark with Your Audience

You may have been spending money on boosting your content, but if it’s not reaching the right eyes, you’re missing the bullseye. It’s crucial to consider various factors to ensure your target audience is precisely hit.

Understanding Your Target Market’s Most Frequented Platform/Medium

To hit the bullseye, identify where your audience spends the most time online. Whether it’s social media, forums, or niche platforms, tailoring your strategy to their preferred mediums ensures your message resonates.

Analyzing Their Browsing Patterns

Explore your audience’s online behavior. Understanding how they browse, the keywords they use, and the content they engage with enables you to strategically position your message where they are most likely to encounter it. For instance, younger generations are known to have short attention spans. This means that your content’s hook should grab their attention in a fleeting online moment.

Unveiling Their Interests

Delve into your target market’s interests. What captivates them? What challenges do they face? Aligning your content with their interests creates a more meaningful connection, increasing the likelihood of engagement and conversion. The key here is to come up with marketing messages that resonate authentically with their passions and pain points.

#2 Your Content Isn’t Cutting It

Since we’re on the subject of crafting valuable and impactful messages that resonate with your audience, it’s essential to recognize that the effectiveness of your content hinges on its ability to provide value for your target audience. Beyond the creation of mere information, your messaging should embody a purpose other than turning your readers into leads–to engage, inform, or evoke emotion.

Providing Real Value

You’d want to show your audience that subscribing to your pages or joining your email is worth their every precious second. Providing valuable content, such as a free ebook, insightful whitepaper, or exclusive webinar, demonstrates your commitment to offering tangible benefits. However, it’s crucial to strike a balance – provide enough free valuable content to showcase your expertise but withhold just enough to convince them that sticking with your brand/business for the long haul is worth it.

Spicing Things Up

Try incorporating interactive elements into your content. Whether it’s quizzes, polls, or interactive infographics, engaging features can enhance the user experience and make your content more memorable. This will give your readers that much needed push to respond to your call-to-action.

#3 You’re Sticking to One Channel–It’s Time to Mix Things Up!

Relying solely on one channel limits your reach and potential engagement. Go beyond your usual platforms and diversify your approach. For instance, if your go-to lead generation strategy is posting SEO optimized blogs on your website, why not explore online groups or forums where your niche community actively participates? Engaging in these spaces allows you to directly interact with your target audience, understand their pain points, and establish your brand as an authority within the community.

#4 Analytics? What Analytics? 

If you’re not tracking the performance of your lead generation efforts through analytics, you’re missing out on a goldmine of insights. Analytics provides a window into understanding what works, what doesn’t, and where improvements can be made. Begin by monitoring website traffic and user engagement. Metrics such as bounce rates, time spent on pages, and click-through rates can unveil the effectiveness of your content and user experience.

Moreover, delve into conversion metrics. Track the conversion rate of your lead forms, email sign-ups, or any desired actions on your website. This data can pinpoint the strengths and weaknesses of your conversion funnel, allowing you to refine and optimize for better results.

As a cherry on top, don’t forget to leverage social media analytics to gauge the performance of your campaigns across different platforms. Metrics like engagement rate, reach, and click-through rate provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of your social media lead generation efforts.

Start a spreadsheet to track month over month leads generated so you can track your return on your investment, as well as how much each lead costs to get.

#5 Slow Follow-Up? Opportunity Lost!

Now, let’s say you’ve successfully captured a lead’s interest—they’ve downloaded an ebook or filled out a contact form. What happens next is critical. A delayed or sluggish follow-up can turn a promising lead cold. Time is of the essence, and prompt, personalized communication is the key to nurturing that initial interest into a meaningful relationship.

Consider implementing an automated lead nurturing system that sends timely follow-up emails or messages. Personalize these communications based on the lead’s interaction with your content. If they downloaded a specific resource, tailor your follow-up to provide additional related value. Quick response times not only showcase your attentiveness but also keep your brand at the forefront of the lead’s mind.

@voilamediagroup Want to level up your sales game? It’s all about the power of Follow Up, and here’s how you can do it right! 🏃‍♂️ Be Lightning-Fast! Want to outshine your competition? Respond to your leads within 15 minutes – that’s the secret sauce to an 80% higher retention rate! 📬 The Email Magic Yes, you heard it right! Email your leads 6-10 times in a 2-to-4-week span. It might sound crazy, but it’s the ultimate formula for success! 🚀 Conversion Power! Don’t miss out on potential conversions. Master the art of Follow Up and turn your leads into loyal customers. It’s a game-changer! Get out there and own your Follow Up game. Success is just a step away! 🌟💪 #FollowUp #SalesHacks #WinningSales #BusinessSuccess #TikTokTips ♬ 初光 (golden hour 中文版) – 刘宪华/JVKE

It’s Time To Turn These Pitfalls Into Opportunities and Supercharge Your Lead Generation Strategy!

Starting the year with fresh lenses, a dynamic multi-channel approach, data-driven analytics, and swift follow-up processes will set the stage for success. Remember, each interaction is a chance to build lasting connections.

If you’re ready to transform your lead generation game, talk to us! We, at Voila Media Group, are here to partner with you in crafting a lead generation strategy that not only works but propels your business to new heights. Let’s make 2024 the year of unparalleled growth and thriving opportunities!

Navigating Social Media Content Strategies in 2024

As we stride into 2024, the social media landscape continues to evolve, bringing new challenges and opportunities for brands to connect with their audience. Crafting a content strategy that resonates on each platform is key to engaging your followers effectively.

Here’s how you can diversify your approach across various channels:

Universal Strategies: 

  • Content Mix: Spice up your feed with a blend of educational insights, heartfelt client stories, sneak peeks behind the scenes, and eye-catching infographics.
  • Engagement Boost: Get the conversation rolling with your community through interactive queries, lively polls, and prompts that invite personal stories and opinions.
  • Posting Rhythm: Consistency is your ally. Utilize a content calendar to maintain a regular posting schedule that keeps your audience anticipating what’s next.
  • Visual Cohesion: Aesthetic consistency reinforces brand recognition. Adorn your posts with your brand’s signature palette and logo to make every share unmistakably yours.
  • Exclusive Perks: Reward your digital crowd with Facebook-specific deals or discounts to cultivate a loyal following.
  • Community Spotlight: Celebrate your clients with permission-granted transformations and glowing reviews to build trust and authenticity.
  • Strategic Partnerships: Expand your digital footprint by joining forces with influencers and businesses that align with your brand.

Platform-Specific Tactics: 


  • High-quality, visually appealing images and videos.
  • Behind-the-scenes content showcasing your company culture or creation process.
  • User-generated content and testimonials.
  • Interactive stories with polls, questions, or quizzes.


  • Engaging and shareable posts like tips, how-tos, and informative articles.
  • Live videos and Q&A sessions.
  • Events and community-driven activities.
  • Posts that encourage user interaction, such as questions or opinion polls.
  • Consider using Facebook’s targeted advertising to reach potential clients based on demographics, interests, and behaviors.
  • Facebook Live: Host live sessions where you can offer advice, Q&A sessions, or showcase new products or services.
  • Analytics: Utilize Facebook Insights to track what type of content performs best and when your audience is most active.


  • Timely updates and commentary on current events.
  • Short, engaging tweets with relevant hashtags for greater reach.
  • Threads that tell a story or provide insights on a topic.
  • Polls and direct engagement with followers through retweets and replies.
  • Amplify your reach with savvy strategic hashtag use.


  • Professional content like industry news, articles, and thought leadership pieces.
  • Company updates and career opportunities.
  • Infographics and reports with valuable industry data.
  • Interactive posts asking for professional opinions or experiences.


  • Trending challenges and hashtags.
  • Entertaining, short-form videos that show off the lighter side of your brand.
  • Educational content that teaches something new in a fun way.
  • Collaborations with influencers to reach a wider audience.


  • High-quality, vertical images with text overlays for recipes, DIYs, and tips.
  • Infographics and step-by-step guides.
  • Mood boards and inspirational content.
  • Shoppable pins for products.


  • How-to videos and tutorials.
  • Product reviews and demonstrations.
  • Vlogs that give insights into your company or personal brand.
  • Educational series or mini-documentaries on topics related to your field.

Remember, while the type of content matters, so does consistency, authenticity, and engagement with your audience. Tailoring the content to each platform’s strengths while keeping your brand voice consistent is key to social media success.

Here’s How to Get Your Marketing Ready for Black Friday

As you take down your Halloween decorations and the spooky season gives way to the festive holiday spirit, it’s time to set your sights on a retail event that’s become a global shopping phenomenon: Black Friday. November 24th.

Whatever niche you’re in–whether it’s online merch selling, a contractor, doing coaching–there’s no reason you shouldn’t be part of this thrilling retail extravaganza.

With US consumer spending expected to hit $9.8 billion this year, Black Friday has transcended its origins as a one-day sales event.

If you don’t know where or how to start your preparations, here’s a checklist that will ensure you’re well-prepared to seize every opportunity this shopping bonanza has to offer.

Your Checklist 

Problem #1: Website Performance

Solution: Stress Test Your Website for Black Friday Surges

  • Problem: Black Friday brings a surge of online shoppers, and your website must handle the traffic without issues.
  • Solution: Conduct stress tests to identify and optimize potential bottlenecks. Ensure smooth checkout and mobile optimization for a seamless user experience.

Problem #2: Email Marketing

Solution: Implement a Robust Email Segmentation Strategy

  • Problem: Sending generic emails may not resonate with your diverse audience.
  • Solution: Segment your email list to tailor content and offers to specific audience groups, increasing engagement and conversions.

Problem #3: Leveraging Social Media

Solution: Maximize Your Social Media Marketing Gimmicks

  • Problem: Building anticipation and excitement for Black Friday can be challenging.
  • Solution: Use platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok for teaser posts, countdowns, Q&A sessions, and exclusive deal previews to engage your audience.

Problem #4: Guiding Shoppers to Offers

Solution: Create Catchy Landing Pages for Your Black Friday Promos

  • Problem: Shoppers may lose interest if they can’t easily find your Black Friday deals.
  • Solution: Design visually appealing landing pages with clear messaging and call-to-action buttons to guide visitors towards conversions.

Problem #5: Engaging Potential Customers

Solution: Implement Ad Retargeting Strategies

  • Problem: Shoppers who showed interest in your products might abandon their carts.
  • Solution: Use ad retargeting to remind them of your great deals and encourage them to complete their purchase.

Problem #6: Handling Customer Support

Solution: Ensure Efficient Customer Support

  • Problem: Technical issues and inquiries can overwhelm your support team during Black Friday.
  • Solution: Have a responsive support system in place to address issues, process returns, and provide helpful solutions, turning one-time shoppers into loyal customers.

Problem #7: Inventory Management

Solution: Manage Your Inventory Effectively

  • Problem: Running out of stock, whether physical or digital, can lead to missed sales and customer frustration.
  • Solution: Ensure everything you offer is available and ready for delivery to avoid stockouts during the Black Friday frenzy.

Make Your Business Black Friday Ready with Voila Today!

We’re a few weeks away from Black Friday and there’s no better time than now to start preparing your strategies.

Good luck with your sales & marketing this year!

5 Tips to Ramp Up Your Holiday Sales

Yes, October has just started, and everyone’s still preparing for the spooky festivities of Halloween. But here’s a friendly reminder: the holiday season is just around the corner! It’s a time when businesses can experience a significant boost in sales, provided they prepare adequately. The key to a successful holiday sales season often lies in early planning and strategic execution.

We’re going to help you get ahead of the curve with five indispensable tips to ramp up your holiday sales. Whether you’re an e-commerce store, a service-based business, or any organization looking to make the most of the holiday fervor, these strategies can work wonders for you. 

So, as the leaves turn, and the days grow shorter, let’s dive into how you can set the stage for a profitable and joyous holiday season!

Tip #1: Get Your Audience in the Mood for Shopping

Just like what many Gen Z’s nowadays say, the vibe is key. Creating the right atmosphere and setting the mood for holiday shopping is crucial. Shoppers are not just looking for products–they’re seeking an experience, a feeling that resonates with the spirit of the season. 

Here’s how you can master this art ahead of your competitors:

Dropping Your Teasers In Advance

Whether you have a new collection coming up or a holiday-themed newsletter that’s currently under wraps, teasing these offerings in advance is an excellent way to build anticipation. For instance, if you plan on releasing your new collection starting the month of December, you can create a countdown on your website or social media platforms, showcasing the number of days, hours, and minutes until the big reveal. This visual countdown not only adds an element of excitement but also keeps your audience engaged, as they anxiously wait for what’s behind the curtain.

Additionally, you can sprinkle hints and clues across your digital channels. These little breadcrumbs of information tantalize your audience, encouraging them to speculate and discuss what’s in store. It’s like a digital treasure hunt where every clue you drop deepens their involvement and excitement! 

You can also invite your audience to participate in guessing games or share their predictions about your upcoming offerings. Offer small rewards or exclusive perks for those who engage actively. This not only fuels excitement but also creates a sense of community and participation around your brand.

Crafting Compelling Holiday Landing Pages

Speaking of visuals, crafting compelling holiday landing pages is your opportunity to immerse visitors in the enchanting world you’ve created. Your landing pages should be a feast for the eyes, resonating with the holiday spirit. Vibrant colors, festive imagery, and holiday-themed graphics should greet visitors as they arrive. 

But it’s not just about aesthetics; it’s about functionality too. Ensure your landing pages are easy to navigate, load quickly, and feature persuasive copy that guides visitors toward taking action. These pages serve as the gateway to your holiday offerings, making every click feel like unwrapping a delightful gift.

Promoting Exclusive Pre-Holiday Offers

Remember the teasers earlier? Well, they’re the perfect setup for promoting your exclusive pre-holiday offers. As the excitement builds, it’s time to unleash your limited-time deals and special promotions. Use the anticipation you’ve generated to your advantage. Send out targeted email campaigns, create eye-catching social media posts, and update your holiday landing pages with these enticing offers. Make your audience feel like they’re getting an exclusive invite to a holiday shopping extravaganza, igniting their desire to shop with you and make the most of these limited opportunities. You can even offer discounts to those who pre-order your items, giving them a sense of VIP treatment and a head start on their holiday shopping.

Tip #2: Optimize Your Website for Mobile Shoppers

It can be such a bummer if your target audience liked your promotions but then had a frustrating experience when trying to shop on their mobile devices. With the increasing reliance on smartphones for online shopping, ensuring that your website is mobile-friendly is absolutely crucial. Imagine losing potential customers due to slow loading times, unresponsive design, or a cluttered layout. To prevent this, focus on optimizing your website for mobile shoppers. Ensure that every aspect, from product listings to the checkout process, is smooth, intuitive, and visually appealing on smaller screens. Mobile optimization isn’t just a convenience—it’s a necessity for retaining and converting visitors into loyal holiday shoppers.

Tip #3: Partner Up with the Right People

Whether it’s an influencer popular in your niche or another small business selling items that complement yours, strategic partnerships can be a game-changer during the holiday season. Collaborations bring fresh perspectives, expanded reach, and the opportunity to tap into each other’s loyal customer base. Consider teaming up with influencers who align with your brand values and have a following that matches your target audience. Their endorsements can boost your credibility and introduce your products to a wider audience.

Moreover, partnering with complementary businesses allows you to offer bundled deals or cross-promotions. For instance, if you sell gourmet chocolates, collaborating with a local winery can result in a delightful holiday gift set. Such partnerships create added value for customers and make your offerings even more enticing.

Tip #4: Boost Your Content Wisely

Sure, boosting or utilizing paid ads is a foolproof way to expand your digital reach during the holiday season, but it comes with a price tag so better do it wisely. Consider these strategies to make the most of your advertising budget:

Targeted Ad Campaigns

Don’t just cast a wide net–pinpoint your ads to reach the most relevant audience segments. Use demographics, interests, and behaviors to refine your targeting.

A/B Testing

Experiment with different ad creatives, headlines, and CTAs to discover what resonates best with your audience. Continuously optimize your ads for better performance.


Re-engage with visitors who have previously interacted with your website. Remarketing ads can remind them of products they viewed, encouraging them to return and make a purchase.

Seasonal Keywords

Incorporate holiday-related keywords into your ad copy to align with what customers are searching for during this time.

By using these strategies, you can maximize the ROI of your digital advertising efforts and capture the attention of holiday shoppers who are actively looking for products like yours.

Tip #5: Make Sure Your Website Can Provide That Seamless Shopping Experience!

Of course, since we’re talking about the online world, your website is your shoppers’ only gateway to your products and services. It’s essential that your website not only looks good but also functions seamlessly, especially during the high-traffic holiday season. 

Make sure that it can handle the increased load efficiently. Fast loading times, intuitive navigation, and a secure checkout process are critical components of a smooth user experience. A well-optimized website not only boosts sales during the holidays but also sets the stage for long-term customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Let Us Make Sure Your Website Is Holiday-Ready!

These tips may not seem so complicated, but it can get overwhelming when you’re juggling holiday preparations. 

That’s where our team at Voila Media Group comes in. We specialize in website optimization and digital solutions, so you can focus on delivering a memorable holiday shopping experience to your customers. With our expertise, your website will not only be holiday-ready but also poised to thrive long after the festive season. Contact us today and let’s make this holiday season your best one yet!

For more digital marketing tips and tricks, follow us on TikTok!